Brentwood Association of Safer Licensed Establishments
What is PubWatch?
Pub Watch schemes aim to improve relationships between the licensed trade and the licensing authority, police and other relevant authorities by better identifying problems relating to violence, crime and disorder, and improving communication.
It is the objective of each Pub Watch across the County of Essex to promote the licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003 and support the National Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for England.
The overall aim is to provide the highest level of service to customers on licensed premises and make Essex a safer place in which to live, promoting it as a place that attracts tourism and contributes to the local community through the provision of leisure amenities and entertainment.
Quick and efficient communication across the Pub Watch membership is the key to its success – whether by telephone, radio, or electronically.
Getting started
Launched in April 2007, the Pub Watch has grown to encompass 21 licensed premises and now holds regular meetings.
BASLE reflects the fact that the association is open to all licensed premises in the Borough.
The BOBB scheme (Behave or Be Banned) is now up and running. This scheme, run by BASLE enables members to ban an individual from every BOBB member premises in Brentwood to address criminal and disorderly behaviour.
More information
You can apply to become a member and get a copy of the BASLE protocol from the Secretary details of whom are available from Peter Jones or Dave Leonard on the contact numbers below.
The current membership fee is £20.00 per annum.
For further information about this Pub Watch scheme, please contact Gary Burke at Essex Police on 101 ext 406358, or Dave Leonard Licensing Officer on 01277 312500.
Further information can be found on the National PubWatch website.