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Corporate Leadership Team

The Corporate Leadership Team is responsible for managing the activities of the Council staff and for advising Councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

Brentwood Borough Council and Rochford District Council’s Corporate Leadership Team consists of one Chief Executive, 2 Strategic Directors and 9 Directors:

Chief Executive

Jonathan Stephenson
Chief Executive, Rochford District Council and Brentwood Borough Council (HPS, RO, ERO)

Strategic Directors

Paul Burkinshaw - Strategic Director and Deputy Chief Executive
Fiona Duhamel - Strategic Director


Tim Willis – Interim Director Resources (S151, SIRO)
Claire Mayhew – Acting Director Governance (MO)
Nichola Mann – Acting Director People
Phoebe Barnes – Director Assets & Investments
Sarah Bennett – Director Customer & Data Insight (DPO)
Greg Campbell – Director Policy & Delivery
Lauren Stretch – Director Housing
Tracey Lilley – Director Communities & Health (RIPA)
Marcus Hotten – Director Environment
Emma Goodings – Director Place

Statutory Roles:  Head of Paid Service (HPS), Returning Officer (RO) & Electoral Registration Officer (ERO), Regulation of Investigatory Powers Officer (RIPA), Monitoring Officer (MO), Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO), Data Protection Officer (DPO) and Section 151 Officer (S151).

A full structure chart, including a breakdown of service areas for each Director can be found in the Related Content section as a PDF.

By law, senior Council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.