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Corporate Peer Review

In March 2024, we were pleased to welcome a Peer Review Team from the Local Government Association to conduct a Corporate Peer Challenge. Corporate Peer Challenges are conducted by experienced Member and Office peers from across local government who are chosen to reflect the requirements and focus of the review. Peer Challenges are improvement focussed and tailored to meet individual councils’ needs. They are designed to complement and add value to a council’s own performance and improvement plans.

The Peer Review Team spoke to councillors, officers, partners and stakeholders over a period of four days to look at how we operate and reported these findings back to councillors and officers.

The final report of the Review Team sets out a series of nine recommendations for action. We have developed an Action Plan to set out a pathway to deliver the Review Team’s recommendations. Progress of the Action Plan will be reported to our Finance and Resources committee.

The Peer Review Team will conduct a Progress Review in November 2024. 

Action plan recommendations

Ref Recommendation Position on the Recommendation Accountable Responsible Timescale Status
1 Urgent need to develop a clear short and concise political vision for the borough​ - We have identified the key themes that will form the foundation of our vision statement.​
- We will share that vision with officers and the wider community
Leader of the Council​ Chief Executive​ Oct 24​ In progress​
2 Senior officers to then communicate and deliver this vision working with members to develop a new intelligence led corporate plan and priorities​ - We have a timetable to enable us to develop a draft corporate plan for approval​
- We will refine that document, ready for adoption in October 24, ahead of public consultation
Chief Executive​ Director of Policy & Transformation​ Dec 24​ In progress​
3 Introduce a monthly meeting of senior officers (Chief Executive, S151, Monitoring Officer and strategic directors) and leader plus committee chairs to discuss council strategy and progress​ - We have created a monthly meeting of key senior officers and political leaders​
- We will use these meetings to provide strategic direction to the Council
Chief Executive​ Director of Policy & Transformation​ May 24​ Complete​
4 Senior members need to be more visible externally, particularly in the South Essex Councils arena and focus on strategic direction​ - We have identified the meetings which members should attend​
- We will work with members to ensure the Borough’s strategic direction is well represented in the region
Leader of the Council​ Chief Executive​ Sep 24​ In progress​
5 Make a political decision on the future of the one team arrangements with Rochford District Council – options paper for future​ - We have engaged the East of England Local Government Association to conduct a review ​
- We will present a report back to members at Committee following this review
Strategic Director & Deputy Chief Executive​ Director of Policy & Transformation​ Jan 25​ In progress​
6 Regardless of political decision on the OneTeam, there is a pressing need for officers to clarify structures, systems and the timescales for future operation of the council​ - We have published the tiers 1 to 3 structure​
- We will develop a communication and engagement plan to ensure staff are kept informed of OneTeam progress, and we will develop an organisational development plan
Strategic Director & Deputy Chief Executive​ Director of Policy & Transformation​ Nov 24​ In progress​
7 Officers working for both councils either formally or informally need to have pay and costs appropriately apportioned to avoid potential cross subsidisation of finances​ - We have reviewed and set a method to apportion payback​
- We will confirm budget for equal distribution going forward
Chief Executive​ Interim Director of Resources (s151)​ Jun 24​ Complete​
8 Increase and enhance two-way communication between organisational layers​ - We have begun a review of our Communications Strategy ​
- We will review communication between layers, standardised communications between directors, managers and staff, communicate the Communications Protocol between layers
Strategic Director & Deputy Chief Executive​ Director of Policy & Transformation​ Nov 24​ In progress​
9 Continue to progress the value for money review of SAIL and review how S151 and MO engage with the company​ - We have identified that the East of England Local Government Association will conduct the review​
- We will set a timetable for review and report back to committee
Chief Executive​ Strategic Director​ Oct 24​ In progress​

Peer review documents