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Where to find help – The Revenue And Benefits Outreach & Engagement Team

Two women at a desk filling out paperwork

Unsure where to turn, need support and advice? Don't bury your head in the sand - speak to our engagement teams for personalised help and support.

With expert knowledge of Council Tax, Benefits and Housing services - our engagement team can help with a range of issues. We are ready to help over the phone or arrange a face-to-face appointment at Brentwood Town Hall.

What can we support with?

Because the team know the services inside out, there's a wide range of issues they can help with. Including, but not limited to;

A woman sitting at a desk handing a leaflet to someone
  • Council tax enquiries (arrears, disregards & exemptions)
  • Council tax reduction/support applications
  • Housing benefit and universal credit enquiries and applications
  • DHP and EHP enquiries and applications
  • Housing and homelessness enquiries and applications
  • Finding out what you are entitled too
  • Signposting to other agencies for mental health, help with finding work and debt and money advice.

The Team are available every Wednesday 9am-5pm in Brentwood Townhall, subject to availability.

Alternatively, you can contact the team here

Around the borough

Services and support are also available at convenient locations around Brentwood Borough.

The calendar below shows where and when we are visiting each location.

We can offer support with council services and will often be joined by other organisations offering support.

No need to book, just come and talk to us:

Date Time Venue
Third Friday of every month 10am to 1.00pm St Peters Church, CM13 1JS
Every Wednesday 9.00am to 5.00pm Brentwood Town Hall
16th July 10am - 1.00pm McColls, West Laindon
19th August 10.30am - 3.00pm Family Fun Day, Warley
8th September 10am - 1.00pm Brentwood High Street, M&S
26th July 9.30am - 12.30pm Brentwood Community Hospital 
Fourth Friday of the month 9.30am - 12.30pm Brentwood Community Hospital