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Work carried out to date in support of the Local Development Plan is set out below. This has included work under a changing national planning framework over time and, when required, accompanying Sustainability Appraisals. Key documents are also published as part of the Local Plan Examination Document Library.

Online versions of documents produced since 2013 and consultation comments received can be viewed on our Local Plan Consultation Portal.

To find out more about the Brentwood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), including background evidence, please see the CIL webpage.

Addendum of Pre-Submission Local Plan (2019)

Comments received in response to the Pre-Submission Local Plan were considered by the Council following the close of consultation in March 2019. Concern was expressed regarding the potential impacts from development proposed across four sites, two in Blackmore and two in Shenfield. An addendum of focussed changes was approved for consultation by Policy, Resources and Economic Development Committee on 11 September 2019. Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan focussed on reducing the number of new homes allocated for the four sites and replacing this at Dunton Hills Garden Village. The addendum was published for public comment between October and November 2019. The consultation document and supporting documents can be viewed below:

Pre-Submission Local Plan (2019)

Brentwood Borough Council is producing a new Local Plan and has reached Pre-Submission stage (Regulation 19). Once approved, the Plan must be published for public consultation. Once public consultation has concluded, the Council should submit the Plan to the Planning Inspectorate for examination on behalf of the Secretary of State (Regulation 22). The Pre-Submission document sets out the spatial strategy for how the borough should be managed up to 2033, both for growth that meets local development needs and for maintaining the “Borough of Villages” character. It includes overarching aims to meet local development needs, including housing and employment, by delivering transit-orientated growth that is sustainable, responding to the natural environment and enabling healthy communities.

The document was approved by Extraordinary Council on 8 November 2018. Following amendments the document was published for public comment between February and March 2019. The consultation document and supporting documents can be viewed below:

Draft Local Plan: Preferred Site Allocations (2018)

The Preferred Site Allocations document provided further thought about how development needs can be met in the borough by focusing on sites and development potential. The consultation set out the Council's strategy for growth and explained the process through which proposed site allocations have been selected. This built on the Draft Local Plan (2016). Public consultation took place between January and February 2018. The consultation document and supporting documents can be viewed below:

Draft Local Plan (2016)

The Brentwood Draft Local Plan consultation document set out a proposed draft vision, objectives, planning policies and land allocations for future development in the Borough up to 2033. Public consultation took place between February and March 2016. The consultation document and supporting documents can be viewed below.

Strategic Growth Options (2015)

The Strategic Growth Options consultation document provided an overview of the main issues to be considered as part of preparing the Local Development Plan, including spatial options and specific sites. Public consultation took place between January and February 2015. The consultation document and supporting documents can be viewed below.

Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation (2015)

The Dunton Garden Suburb consultation document was prepared jointly by Brentwood and Basildon Borough Councils. It set out a potential development opportunity on land to the east of West Horndon (in Brentwood Borough) and west of Laindon (in Basildon Borough). For more information please see the Dunton Hills Garden Village webpage.

Local Plan Preferred Options (2013)

Consultation on the Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options took place between July and October 2013. The consultation document can be viewed below along with supporting documents and consultation statement.

Neighbourhood Consultation (2011)

As part of the Council’s work towards a new Local Development Plan, and to reflect the localism agenda, a Borough-wide consultation with individual neighbourhoods was undertaken. The Neighbourhood Consultation took place in summer 2011. The consultation gave local residents, business and other members of the community an opportunity to put forward their views, aspirations and priorities for their area and influence the Borough's planning policies. Reports on the consultation events and findings can be viewed below:

There were a number of information sheets and background documents that helped inform the consultation, which can be viewed in the Council's Document Library.

Core Strategy Issues and Options (2009)

The first stage of consultation on Issues and Options, Pathway to a Sustainable Brentwood, took place in late 2009. The consultation document, leaflet, and analysis of consultation responses can be viewed below:

Planning for Gypsies and Travellers (2007-2010)

The Council was previously required to address Gypsy and Traveller accommodation needs in the Borough through the preparation of a Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Document.

The first stage of Issues and Options consultation was during July-September 2007. A second stage consultation took place during May-July 2008. This was in response to several sites suggested to the Council as potential permanent residential Gypsy and Traveller sites during the first stage of Issues and Options consultation.

In March 2009, the Council resolved that it would be in the best interest of the Borough to provide 15 additional permanent residential Gypsy and Traveller pitches by 2011, as required in the now revoked regional plan. Consultation on proposed sites took place during December 2009-February 2010.

All consultation documents prepared as part of planning for Gypsies and Travellers before this was combined within the Local Development Plan can be viewed below.