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Update on the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Brentwood Town Hall
Brentwood Town Hall

Following a period of public consultation, Brentwood Borough Council submitted the Draft CIL Charging Schedule to the Secretary of State for independent examination in March 2023. As part of its examination, the Charging Schedule was subject to a public hearing session on 11 July 2023.

We are now able to confirm that on 21 August 2023, the Council received the Inspector's Final Report on the Examination of the Brentwood CIL Draft Charging Schedule.

The Inspector's Report concludes that the Brentwood CIL Draft Charging Schedule provides an appropriate basis for the collection of the levy in the borough. The Council has sufficient evidence to support the Charging Schedule and can show that the levy is set at a level that will not put the overall delivery of development in the area at risk. It recommends that the Charging Schedule should be approved in its published form without changes.

The Inspector's Report is available to view in full on our CIL Examination webpage.

Paper copies of the Report will also be made available for public inspection at Brentwood Borough Council Offices and local libraries.

CIL is a locally set charge on new development which the Council can choose to introduce. The levy is based on the size and type of development and once set, is mandatory to pay and non-negotiable. The funds raised from CIL contribute towards delivering infrastructure to support new development within the local area.

The introduction of the CIL across the borough is a key priority for the Council and is driven by the need to ensure that the much needed infrastructure and other facilities to support the future development of the borough are provided in a timely fashion.

Receipt of the Inspector’s Report marks the closing of the CIL Examination. The Brentwood CIL Charging Schedule will now need to be reported to Members at a future committee meeting for a decision on its adoption and ‘effective date’ (the date on which the levy comes into effect).

Updates concerning the forthcoming implementation of Brentwood’s CIL Charging Schedule will be published on the Council’s website: Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) | Brentwood Council