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Last chance to get your Civic Awards nominations in!

Brentwood Civic Awards Nomination
Civic Award

Last chance to get your Civic Awards nominations in!

You have until Friday 9 February to nominate someone special for a Civic Award.

We would like to recognise the hard work of organisations and locals, who have continued to help others and make Brentwood a better place. The annual Civic Awards provide an opportunity to acknowledge their dedication in going above and beyond for the community.

The nominations will be judged by a panel of judges, including the Mayor of Brentwood.

Mayor of Brentwood Councillor Gareth Barrett said, “During my time as Mayor I have come across countless people who give their time to worthy causes and to help others in Brentwood. The Civic Awards are an opportunity to recognise the commitment and hard work of the most deserving people in the Borough. There's about two weeks left to get your nominations in, so if you know someone who deserves to be considered for the award, do get in touch.”

The Service to the Community award is open for nominations to both individuals and groups, regardless of age and can be for someone who volunteers their free time helping others, such as caring for a family member, helping others within the Borough or someone who has done something exceptional for the community.

To assist the judging panel, please ensure you include as much detail as possible when nominating, with examples of what the individual or group have done in the community.

The awards will be presented on Friday 5 April 2024 at the Civic Dinner.

To nominate please complete our online form: Alternatively, please email to request a hard copy of the nomination form.