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The Brentwood Local Plan 2016-2033 was adopted on 23 March 2022. This Plan forms part of the statutory development plan, which means it has full weight in determining planning applications.

The Plan identifies locations to deliver local housing needs and supporting infrastructure, such as employment, retail, leisure, community and transport. It allocates land for appropriate development, sets out planning policies and an overall strategy to guide decisions on the location, pattern, scale, and quality of development.

Please see below the adopted Local Plan.

Policies Map and Neighbourhood Plan areas

The Policies Map shows areas covered by policies, designations and allocations identified in our adopted Local Plan.

You can view the Borough's designated Neighbourhood Plan areas.

Other Development Plan documents

Development proposals should take account of both the Local Plan and the following documents, which are all part of the Development Plan for our administrative area:

Evidence base

We have undertaken research to inform the policy documents that make up the Local Plan. The research is called the 'Evidence Base'.

Statement of community involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how the Council will engage with the wider community on preparation and review of Local Plan documents, and when considering and determining planning applications. It sets out what the Council is seeking community involvement on, how and when the community will be involved, and who will be involved.

The current Brentwood Borough SCI can be viewed below: